Grants and Scholarships Available Through Soroptimist International of Napa
Pathway to Success
This is an award sponsored by Soroptimist International of Napa. The award is presented to women in Napa who have encountered roadblocks in their lives but have now identified a path to their future achievement and well-being. The award provides financial support to assist them in reaching their goals through further education and/or training. Multiple awards may be given with the winner awarded $2,000 and runners-up $1,000 each.
Live Your Dream, Education and Training Award
Violet Richardson Award
This is a program conducted by Founder Region which includes Soroptimist International of Napa. As a volunteer service organization, Soroptimist believes that by acknowledging young women’s volunteer involvement now, they will grow up to be vital active members of the community.
The Violet Richardson Award honors young women between the ages of 14 and 18 for volunteer action such as fighting drugs, crime and violence, cleaning up the environment and working to end discrimination and poverty.
The award is named after Violet Richardson, the president of the first Soroptimist club in Alameda County in 1921. Richardson believed in personal responsibility and the motto, “It’s what you do that counts.” She lived her life accordingly, as an active member in her community who was committed to creating opportunities for girls and young women. Soroptimist established this award to honor the memory of this unique woman and her dedication to volunteer action.
The Violet Richardson Award program begins at the local Soroptimist club level. Soroptimist International of Napa awards the winner with a $500 cash prize and $500 given to the charity of their choice. Applications should be submitted by December 15, each year.
Interested Applicants should apply with these 2 forms:
Violet Richardson Award Application Form
Violet Richardson Award Media Consent Form
The Future is You! Scholarship
This is an exclusive annual scholarship to Soroptimist International of Napa for graduating senior girls of Napa Valley Unified school district.
The Future is You! Scholarship application.
Founder Region Fellowship Award
Awarding grants to outstanding women in the final phase of their doctoral program within Founder Region. The 2025 Fellowship Grant cycle will open from November 1, 2024 to January 25, 2025.