Jennifer Varma and Stephani Martin Inducted at Business Meeting
October 5, 2022

Membership Chair of Soroptimist International of Napa, Debbie Goodman, inducted two additional members in September into the club during the Business Meeting September 20, 2022. Inducted were Jennifer Varma and Stephani Martin.
Jennifer’s sponsor was Nancy Giltner and her assigned Mentor is Andi Knowlton.
Stephani’s sponsor is Ellen York and Steph’s mentor is Brenda Roberts.
Both Stephani and Jennifer were guests at our Bocce and Bubbles during the summer and are already immersing themselves into the club’s activities. Welcome ladies!
(Pictured are sponsor Nancy Giltner to new member Jennifer Varma next to her mentor, Andi Knowlton and then new member Stephani Martin, next to her mentor, Brenda Roberts, Stephani’s sponsor Ellen York and furtherst to the right is Membership Director, Debbie Goodman.)
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