Live Your Dream Award
October 12, 2020

Applications are now being accepted for the Annual Live Your Dream: Education and Training Award for Soroptimist International of Napa. This award is for women who are Head-of-Household, have financial need, have been accepted or enrolled in a college or trade school and are motivated to make a change in their life for themselves and their family. Deadline is November 15, 2020 for the 2021 Award. Apply through Soroptimist International of America’s on-line portal at Select Soroptimist International of Napa as your club to submit to, or you can print out the form along with the two recommendation references and Media consent form and submit to S I Napa P O Box 614 Napa, Ca 94559. Contact Nancy Giltner for questions at .
Tags: #Education #SoroptimistsAtWork #SoroptimistStrong #WomenEmpowerment